Access at Selly Manor Museum

We extend a warm welcome to all our visitors and aim to provide a friendly, safe, accessible service to everyone.

Our team at Selly Manor Museum are here to help you during your visit and enrich your experience. Our team will greet you at the reception desk to offer information on our building and facilities.

Please scroll down through this page to find out about access information, such as quiet times and sensory toys.

Contact Us

We want all our visitors to have the best possible experience. If you have any questions, please contact us on:

Telephone: 0121 472 0199

Email: [email protected]

We will try to respond within 1 to 2 working days.

For accessibility information check out our Detailed Access Guide on the AccessAble website.

Staff Training

  • General disability awareness
  • Tour guide training with Vocal Eyes for audio-descriptive tour
  • Autism Awareness
  • Dementia Friends UK

Getting Here

Our address is: Selly Manor Museum, Maple Road, Bournville, Birmingham, B30 2AE for Sat Navs.

Selly Manor Museum is next to Bournville village green and is 4 miles from Birmingham city centre. Selly Manor Museum is on the corner of Maple and Sycamore Roads.

Our site is surrounded by a hedge and can be accessed through a gateway on Maple Road.

Car Parking is available on residential Maple Road for free next to the museum. We do not have a car park on site.

We have good public transport links near our museum. It is a 15 minute walk from Bournville Train Station to Selly Manor. The number 11 Outer Circle and number 27 buses both stop at Bournville Village Green, which is 5 minutes away.

Please follow the link here to find out more about local transport links - 

When you arrive

We are open 10am – 5pm Tuesdays to Fridays (September – May) and Tuesdays to Sundays (June – August).

You will be greeted at our reception desk by a staff member, who will welcome you and give you an orientation of the museum.

Tickets for adults are £6, concessions £5, child £4 and families £18.

A 20% Discount applies to Cadbury World Tickets holders.

Disabled visitors are eligible for a £5 concession ticket and carers accompanying them are free. We are a Sunflower lanyard friendly venue.

Length of visit

We may be a smaller museum, but we still have plenty to explore! We would recommend spending at least an hour at our museum to make the most of everything we have to offer.

Quiet Times

The Museum is usually quieter in the afternoons, particularly after 2.30pm during term time when school groups have left for the day.

If you or a member of your group require a quiet space during your visit, please speak to a member of our team.

Getting Around

The path into Selly Manor is brick lay. Once you are inside the museum, the floor is stone slabs and some rooms have hessian mats. The wooden floors upstairs in Selly Manor are uneven.

There is step free access into our Medieval Hall Minworth Greaves, where our reception desk is, and the downstairs of Selly Manor Museum with ramp access. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the building being a historic house, there is no lift access.

Please be aware that our buildings have low lighting.



The toilets are located at the back of site with a brick path leading from our museum buildings.

There is an accessible toilet on the side of the toilet block. The accessible toilet has a functional emergency alarm and wall mounted rails. The baby changing facility is located in the accessible toilet.

We do not have a Changing Places Toilet at Selly Manor Museum. The closest Changing Places Toilet is at Cadbury World within their main reception ( Cadbury World is a 10 minute walk (0.2 miles) from Selly Manor. Also there is a Changing Places Toilet at Sense Touchbase Pears in Selly Oak, which is a 5 minutes drive (1 mile) ( Please visit the Changing Places Toilet website links to find out more.

Picnic area

In the spring and summer, our gardens are the perfect place to have a packed lunch. We have a few benches available and lawn space for you to bring picnic blankets.

If you’re looking to purchase food, visitors are welcome to head across to the shops on the village green and then return.

If you have a refillable bottle, our team is happy to top it up with tap water.


Our museum shop is located at reception in our Medieval Hall, Minworth Greaves, and is step free access.

Our museum shop stocks many beautiful ranges of gifts which include candles, pocket money stationery, art prints, children’s toys and much more. So whether you are looking for a present or a souvenir to remember your visit we hope you can find something just right. We also have free leaflets for heritage trails in the local area.


Guide dogs are welcome.

We are a breastfeeding friendly venue.

If you or a member of your group require medical attention whilst on site, please alert our staff and they will contact the emergency services.

The nearest defibrillator is across the road by Kafenion cafe inside the old telephone booth.

Wheelchair users and visitors with limited mobility

Please Note: On weekdays during term time, all members of the staff team may be occupied with school session delivery, as such possibly limiting step-free access to Selly Manor. As there may not be a team member available to open the back door to grant level access. The team will be available after 2pm on weekdays to greet you. Please call 0121 472 0199 or email [email protected] to discuss.
  • There is step free access into our Medieval Hall Minworth Greaves, where our reception desk is, and the downstairs of Selly Manor Museum with ramp access. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the building being a historic house, there is no lift access.
  • When you arrive at reception, a member of our team will greet you and guide wheelchair users to the accessible entrance at the back of Selly Manor.
  • The path into Selly Manor is brick lay. Once you are inside the museum, the floor is stone slabs and some rooms have hessian mats. The wooden floors upstairs in Selly Manor are uneven.
  • There is a touch-screen tablet in first room on ground floor, which includes videos of the upstairs rooms and information for all rooms. The display screen is at an accessible height for wheelchair users.
  • There are chairs available in each room of the museum buildings and benches throughout the grounds.
  • All stairs have handrails.
  • Assistance dogs are welcome. Please ask at reception for a bowl of water.
  • There is an accessible toilet on site. The toilet is located at the side of the toilet block at the back of site with a brick path leading from our museum buildings.

Blind and Visually Impaired

  • Please be aware that our buildings have low lighting.
  • To add to the sensory experience of a Tudor house, inside the museum there is Tudor music and household sounds played through speakers.
  • Replica objects are available throughout the museum for you to touch and in some cases smell.
  • The information boards and guide books in each room are in a medium-size print. Magnifiers are available at reception to use within these spaces.
  • Guide dogs are welcome. Please ask at reception for a bowl of water.

D/deaf and Hard of Hearing

  • Many members of our team have received Deaf awareness training and some members are trained in the basics of British Sign Language.
  • There are information boards and guidebooks in every room of the museum that tell the history of Selly Manor and the Tudor way of life.
  • Please be aware that our buildings have low lighting.
  • Assistance dogs are welcome. Please ask for a bowl of water at reception.


Fidget Toys

  • Selly Manor Museum is an autism friendly venue. Team members have taken part in autism awareness training.
  • The museum is usually quieter in the afternoons, particularly after 2.30pm during term time when school groups have left for the day.
  • If you or a member of your group require a quiet space during your visit, please speak to a member of our team.
  • At reception, we have a box of fidget toys and communication cards for visitors to use around the museum.
  • Child and adult sized ear defenders are available to borrow whilst in the museum.
  • To add to the sensory experience of a Tudor house, inside the museum there is Tudor music and household sounds played through speakers.
  • Replica objects are available throughout the museum for you to touch and in some cases smell.


  • Selly Manor Museum helps to run a Memory Cafe focused on heritage engaged reminiscence sessions on Wednesdays in term time. Please follow the link to the Bournville Memory Cafe to find out more - Bournville Memory Cafe (
  • Members of our team have taken part in Dementia Friends training.
  • Fidget toys are available at reception.
  • To add to the sensory experience of a Tudor house, inside the museum there is Tudor music and household sounds played through speakers.
  • Replica objects are available throughout the museum for you to touch and in some cases smell.

For accessibility information check out our Detailed Access Guide on the AccessAble website.