Meet our garden volunteers: Martin

Meet our garden volunteers: Martin

Selly Manor Garden is a special place 

As part of the Selly Manor Garden project, we decided to increase voluntary activity. For the past year we have welcomed several new volunteers. Over the next few weeks, we'd like to take the opportunity to introduce them, here's Martin: 

"I like gardening because you get to see the fruit of your labour. It’s good for wellbeing and meeting people, and I like contributing to the local community.


Image: Martin with his family at the launch of the garden interpretation

The worst thing about gardening is the pests! Planting something and then finding it’s been eaten. The weather can be frustrating at times too.

I like volunteering at Selly Manor because the history is so interesting. The look and feel and atmosphere bring the Tudors to life. The staff are so friendly and welcoming, and I enjoy spending time with the other garden volunteers.

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One of my favourite features in the garden is the lime hedge. It’s actually several trees interwoven along the length of the garden, but you wouldn’t know that in summer because its full of leaves. The woven branches underneath is a winter secret. I also love the wildflower area because it’s full of colour and the herb garden for its fragrance. My favourite plant is Hollyhock, it’s stunning but rarely gets a mention.

There are different flowers and plants in the garden that change with the seasons – fruits in particular, apple, figs, plums, medlar and rhubarb appear at different times of the year.

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If I could garden anywhere in the world it would have to be somewhere exotic and sunny (Malaysia perhaps). This is probably why if I could be any plant it would have to be a Sunflower – so I could lounge in the sun all day long!"

Martin - Selly Manor garden volunteer